Black ops

Black ops
B52 Multikill

Saturday 9 April 2011

Rage Quit in zombies?

Why is it that when people in Zombies decide that "oh im gunna end the game even though we are on round 38, because i can't get the Mystery box" It happened to me twice in a row, just because you cant get the box first doesn't mean you have to rage quit.

Just a Rant


  1. Oh my Jesus, I despise rage quitters. I get them on PS3 Tetris, where they mess up once and just spam drop till they lose. It sucks when they're on your team so you also lose and your Leaderboard rank goes down /tetrisnerdrant

  2. ahahahah, its funny and a bit annoying when it happends

  3. Why rage quit on something as simple as zombies? That's just stupid. Those people shouldn't be allowed to play games like that if they get mad that easily.

  4. For some reason, zombies and free for all seem to be breeding grounds for people with short tempers. Between rage quitting and throwing tantrums, I'm surprised when I end up in a game with pretty chill people.
